Spring fishing follows the temperature of the water

Fishing in this weather and time not only feels comfortable, but also the crucian carp is more comfortable and willing to bite. For example, if the temperature is below 10°C, fishy bait can be used; if the temperature is higher than 15°C, you can choose pure grain-scented bait.4 meters. Also, when fishing grass nests, you should use a hard-toned fishing rod with a single hook for fishing.

There is a saying in fishing: 'Spring fishing follows the temperature of the water, and all of them are full of crucian carp and carp. When fishing for crucian carp in early spring, you must cast a full rod,fishing swivel snap because the line is stretched straight. The length of the fishing rod is best not to exceed. Regarding floats, the author recommends using soft tail floats. If you use bloodworms or earthworms for fishing, when there is no fish for a long time, we can use the tease method, which is to slowly lift the fishing rod obliquely around the fishing point.

Since this type of float is not as sensitive as the hard tail float, it can avoid the influence of the uneven size of the bait on the number of floats. Therefore, bloodworms and earthworms are definitely the first choice among the bait. In early spring, the crucian carp needs to be supplemented with high-protein and high-fat foods in order to quickly restore physical fitness. The fishing line is best to choose nylon material, because it is very soft, as long as the suction power of the crucian carp is equivalent to the weight of the hook, we can smoothly lift the rod and the heavy fish, and the fishing line can be straightened by the small drop and the float, so the signal transmission is also More clear. Ready to use.

Now I will talk about the five elements of wild crucian carp fishing in early spring.) when we are wild fishing, because of the special shape of these channels, the nest material will gradually slide down the steep slope to the bottom of the river, and then Lost its role in attracting fish in fishing spots.

Regarding the preparation of the nest material, we can mix the rice and millet evenly, wash it well, then add vitamin B complex and sugar, then pour the highly fragrant white wine mixed with honey into it, and finally shake it well and seal it for a week. Because the crucian carp is lighter in early spring, it is not convenient to observe the float, so that the best time to raise the rod is often missed. 

Most of the crucian carp is in the lower layer of the water

Muchun refers to the solar terms between 'Ching Ming' and 'Gu Yu' (also called Late Spring). The climate and temperature of my country's vast north-south regions have large differences. One more point, the species of fish we fish in the wild and the individual size of the fish are sometimes unknowable. The principle of bait use is generally fat and water partial, lean water partial fishy (not This discussion).

When encountering open water, it is best to use Taiwan fishing in order to increase the frequency of fishing. Hope fishermen should remember not to just copy and use the solar terms. The above-mentioned experience of wild crucian carp fishing in early spring, mid-spring and late spring is limited to the solar terms and climatic characteristics of the Jianghuai region.

The choice of waters is no longer focused on small water surfaces and shallow water areas like early spring and mid-spring. , So the fishing proverb has 'spring fishing, rain, fog, summer fishing early'. Mouth method to give play to the advantages of Taiwan Diaoyu’s fast catching fish. Second,Wholesale fishing tackle snap Suppliers the choice of waters In the late spring season, the footprints of crucian carp in deep and shallow waters are already willing to be involved. As for the specific use of traditional fishing or Taiwan fishing equipment, it depends on the water environment at that time.

If the crucian floating head is found in the bright water, you can also use the floating and fishing methods of Taiwan fishing. At this time, most of the crucian carp is in the lower layer of the water in the morning and evening, which is good for bottom fishing. But when we specifically choose a fishing spot, we still need to pay attention to the observation of the water color. Due to the high water temperature in late spring, the crucian carp has been greatly restored after several months of eating a lot of nourishment.